012 | 3 Rookie Mistakes You Might Be Making with Chat GPT and AI (and How to Fix Them!)


Have you tried using Chat GPT and been frustrated by the results? If you've been feeling like it's responses are a bit off or unhelpful or simply don't sound like your brand...
You may be making common mistakes that a lot of people make, especially when they're just starting to dip their toes into the AI World.

But here's the thing: You don't know what you don't know!

That's why today, I'm sharing the 3 most common mistakes you might be making that are stopping you from making the most out of the platform!

Plus, the fixes you can implement today to start seeing better results immediately.😘


Ready to hone your Brand Persona for Chat GPT, so you can get responses that actually sound like your brand?

Sign up for our new Brand Persona Style Guide for Chat GPT here!

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013 | Why YOUR Voice Matters in AI (and What the Open AI Drama Means)


011 | β€œIs Using Chat GPT in Your Business Cheating?" Let's Talk AI Ethics and Mindset Hurdles (a guest interview with Kinsey!)