011 | “Is Using Chat GPT in Your Business Cheating?" Let's Talk AI Ethics and Mindset Hurdles (a guest interview with Kinsey!)


How can AI make managing your business easier - without sacrificing your values or feeling icky about it? If you've been wondering:

  • "Should I be worried about plagiarism or copyright when using Chat GPT?"

  • "Is using AI in my business considered 'cheating' because it makes things too easy?"

  • "Will this hinder my creativity or push me out of a job because it can do my job for me?" 

Earlier this month, Kinsey chatted about this exact topic with Jessica of the Pattern Design Circle Podcast — and the conversation was so dang good, I wanted to reshare it with you today. 🤗

Hit play now to hear:

⭐ the ethical considerations surrounding AI, plagiarism fears, and how best to navigate these concerns

⭐ making sure you're using AI in a way that aligns with your brand and values, so you don't have to feel weird about it

⭐ staying light on your toes when it comes to using AI, so you can roll with the changes as the tech and the law evolves

⭐ why embracing AI won't just revolutionize your business, but it will also allow YOU to start getting involved in the conversations happening around AI, so we can be a part of shaping the AI future we want

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Ready to hone your Brand Persona for Chat GPT, so you can get responses that actually sound like your brand?

Sign up for our new Brand Persona Style Guide for Chat GPT here!

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012 | 3 Rookie Mistakes You Might Be Making with Chat GPT and AI (and How to Fix Them!)


010 | Bot-Written Content and AI-Driven SEO with Julia Bocchese