010 | Bot-Written Content and AI-Driven SEO with Julia Bocchese


Have you been wondering how bot-written blogs might impact your SEO? Today, we're chatting with SEO-expert Julia about how AI is being integrated into the world of SEO.

Julia shares the stuff we should be aware of, best practices for using AI for SEO, plus case studies that provide super interesting insights into if AI actually works for SEO.

Hit play now to hear:

⭐ the limitations of AI and the necessity of staying updated with Google's AI changes

⭐ using Chat GPT for generating ideas for keywords to target, niche topic ideas, and even writing content

⭐ the art of personalizing content to boost your SEO and convert your readers

⭐ an eye-opening case study that shows the potential pitfalls of generic AI-produced articles and the impact on your Google ranking. 

⭐ the potential damages of incorrect or outdated AI-generated information and the importance of fact-checking and setting parameters

If you're intrigued by AI and its role in SEO, this conversation with Julia is just the ticket you need. Tune in now!

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011 | “Is Using Chat GPT in Your Business Cheating?" Let's Talk AI Ethics and Mindset Hurdles (a guest interview with Kinsey!)


009 | Integrating AI into Your Content Creation Process (a guest interview with Kinsey!)