013 | Why YOUR Voice Matters in AI (and What the Open AI Drama Means)


YOU can impact the future of AI technology, my friend.

And the sooner you start getting curious about it, forming your opinions about it and getting involved in conversations about it, the more we'll be able to shape the AI future we want to see.

In today's episode of Authentic AI, we're having a real and raw discussion about:

⭐ the deeper reason I started Authentic AI (and what that means for you)

⭐ what we can learn from the recent Open AI drama (that seriously felt like Real Housewives of the Tech World)

⭐ The BEST ACTIONS you can take right now to help in shaping an authentic and honest AI future

I hope you enjoy this! And I'd love to hear your thoughts. Send me a message on Instagram and let's chat.


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014 | Getting Better Results from Chat GPT with Sharon Tewksbury-Bloom


012 | 3 Rookie Mistakes You Might Be Making with Chat GPT and AI (and How to Fix Them!)