008 | 10 Ways You Can Use Chat GPT in Your Business


Wondering what Chat GPT can actually DO for you in your business? We're sharing ten practical ways that Chat GPT take some tasks off your To Do List - as a solopreneur!

Hit play now to hear:

⭐ 10 actionable ideas for how to integrate Chat GPT into your workflow, especially when you're the one wearing all the hats in your business

⭐ The first step you must do in order to use Chat GPT strategically and authentically

⭐ specific examples of what Chat GPT has been helping ME do for Feel Good Social and Authentic AI (that you can have it do for you, too!)

Psst... Want to train Chat GPT for your unique Brand Persona and Voice and get Chat GPT to work for you in a way that's aligned with your brand?


Ready to hone your Brand Persona for Chat GPT, so you can get responses that actually sound like your brand?

Sign up for our new Brand Persona Style Guide for Chat GPT here!

Connect with Authentic AI:


009 | Integrating AI into Your Content Creation Process (a guest interview with Kinsey!)


007 | Nailing Your (AI) Authentic Brand Voice with Chat GPT!