028 | Who Owns AI-Generated Content? Copyright and ChatGPT with Amber Gilormo


What's the latest in the world of copyright laws and AI tools?

Today, we're chatting with Amber, an attorney and founder of The Boutique Lawyer, about the ever-evolving landscape of AI and copyright law.

(This episode was recorded in May 2024, and may be out of date. Make sure you check the latest rules and regulations.)

Amber discusses her journey into AI, her legal insights on generative AI, copyright issues, and best practices for entrepreneurs using AI in their businesses.

Hit Play Now to Hear:

✸ Who really owns the content AI creates – important for creators to know!

✸ A breakdown of the complex legal issues around AI tools like Chat GPT in simple terms

✸ The importance of being clear about using AI in client work, especially with new laws coming

✸ Amber's favorite ways to use AI in her own business and creative work while still avoiding copyright issues

✸ Future changes in copyright and AI laws – what creators should watch out for.

Connect with Amber at theboutiquelawyer.com and @theboutiquelawyer

Watch this episode on Youtube!



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