025 | From SOPs to Data Summaries: Time-Saving Ways to Use AI in Business with Tasha Hussey


Looking for simple yet time-saving ways you can start using ChatGPT in the backend of your business?

Today, we're chatting with Tasha Hussey, Founder and Chief Turtle at Lavender Turtle, about her transition from AI Skeptic to embracing it as a valuable tool in her business.

Her curiosity with AI tools led her to overcoming writer's block with ChatGPT, which opened her eyes to the huge potential for small business support. Now, she uses AI for tasks ranging from drafting emails in layman's terms for clients to generating ideas for onboarding processes.

Hit play now to hear:

 ✸  Why Tasha maintains a cautious approach with AI tools, especially regarding coding and web development for her business

 ✸ Creative and time-saving ways she uses AI in her business for backend tasks, like client and team communication

 ✸ How Tasha has FUN with ChatGPT (silly stuff that brings joy to her day)

Connect with Tasha at lavenderturtle.com or @lavenderturtle on Instagram!

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