017 | How NOT to Sound Like ChatGPT: 5 Common AI Tropes to Avoid


Ever found yourself wondering if your AI-crafted copy sounds a bit too... robotic? 🤔 

In today's episode of Authentic AI for Entrepreneurs, we're diving into copywriting with AI without losing that human touch.

 I'm sharing 5 common tropes that are becoming recognizable in AI-drafted copy, plus the quick fixes you can use to avoid them.

In this episode, you'll learn:

✨ 5 recognizable AI tropes that you should avoid when getting ChatGPT's help with your copywriting

✨ The sneaky trap of emoji overload in AI-generated content and how to dial it back to match your brand's true vibe

✨ Why starting every piece of copy with "Hey there, empowered entrepreneur!" might not be the best move, and what to do instead.

✨ The common "Power Words" pitfall - how to spot them, swap them, and keep your copy feeling fresh and original.

Tune in now to hear tips for keeping your content authentic, engaging, and totally NOT like it was written by your friendly neighborhood robot.


Ready to hone your Brand Persona for Chat GPT, so you can get responses that actually sound like your brand?

Sign up for our new Brand Persona Style Guide for Chat GPT here!

Connect with Authentic AI:


018 | Next-Level Tips for ChatGPT and AI Image Generative Tools with Lauren Devane


016 | AI and Copyright: What Every Content Creator Should Know with Jaime Bell