AI Guide: Getting Started with ChatGPT 101

You've probably heard the buzz about AI and Chat GPT and might be feeling a tad overwhelmed.

But guess what? Chat GPT is not the techy behemoth it's made out to be. In fact, it's more like a friendly chatbot waiting to lend you a hand.

So, let's demystify AI together and get you started on a journey that's going to make your entrepreneur life a whole lot easier.


  • What is Chat GPT anyway?

  • How It Can Benefit Solopreneurs

  • The Limitations of Chat GPT

  • First Steps To Get Started

  • Chat GPT Beginner’s Glossary


What is Chat GPT anyway?

an AI-powered chatbot platform that essentially allows you to have a back-and-forth conversation with a “robot”

Chat GPT is like your virtual assistant, powered by some serious brainpower. It's a tool that uses artificial intelligence to understand and generate human-like text.

Imagine having a digital mini-me who can help you draft emails, create content, or even brainstorm marketing strategies. That's Chat GPT for you – always ready to help, never needs a coffee break. 🙌

And if you’re worried about the tech, don’t! It’s seriously as simple as typing words into a chat box.


Psst… Would you rather listen to these tips? Hit play on our podcast episode now! 👇


How Chat GPT Can Benefit Solopreneurs

As a one-person show, you're juggling a million tasks. Chat GPT can help you check tasks off your to do list more quickly and easily—without sacrificing your strategy, authenticity or values.

Need to whip up a quick blog post? Check. Looking for some witty social media captions? Done. It's all about working smarter, not harder, so you can focus on the big picture (and maybe even sneak in a well-deserved break).


Whether it’s helping you brainstorm ideas, outline your strategy, plan your calendars, create your content, automate tasks, and more, AI technology can be your new strategist, coach, copywriter, or virtual assistant—at a fraction of the cost.

By using Chat GPT in lots of different ways, solopreneurs can save time, boost productivity, and focus on what you do best: growing your business, serving your customers and finding more freedom. 🙌

→ READ NEXT: 5 Easy Ways to Use AI as a Solopreneur


Freebie Alert


Freebie Alert 〰️


Ready to start using Chat GPT in your business? We’ve got chu. 👇

Download our game-changing list of 30 Ways You Can Start Using Chat GPT In Your Biz today! It’s free!



The Limitations of Chat GPT

Now, let's get real. Chat GPT is super smart, but it's not all-powerful. It's a tool, and like any tool, it has its limits. Here's what you need to know, so you can use it effectively without hitting too many snags:

1. ChatGPT is NOT always correct.

Chat GPT can process ALOT of information in a split second, but it can still be flat-out wrong, give irrelevant answers, repeat itself, contradict itself and more... Always fact-check its work!

2. ChatGPT is NOT always up-to-date.

Chat GPT is trained on data up to a certain point, which means it's not always up-to-date with the latest trends or news. Only the premium version can provide updated information and connect to the internet!

3. ChatGPT is NOT original.

Chat GPT is learning from what's out there; it's not creating content out of thin air. If you're looking for never-seen-before ideas, you'll still need to put on your thinking cap. Use Chat GPT as a starting point to spark your own creativity.

4. ChatGPT is NOT private.

Never share sensitive or personal information with Chat GPT. Open AI can access and control all of the input data, AND can use that data to train its future models. Always be mindful to maintain the privacy of you and your clients.

5. ChatGPT is NOT a mind reader.

While Chat GPT can seem like it's reading your mind, it's really just predicting text based on patterns. So, if you're vague with your instructions, you might get back something that's a bit... off. Be clear and specific with your prompts.

By understanding these limitations, you can use Chat GPT more effectively. It’s like having a new intern: there's a learning curve and they need guidance. But with the right direction, they’ll be an invaluable part of your team.

Remember: Ultimately, it’s up to YOU to use AI in a way that aligns with YOU.

You need to tell it who your brand is and who you’re speaking to (cough, your ideal customers), so it can dish up the best responses for you.

→ READ NEXT: Using AI to Amplify Your Brand, Not Replace It


Mini-Course + Style Guide

Ready to get Chat GPT to sound just like you?

This quick and actionable mini-course will walk you through two proven methods for honing your unique voice for Chat GPT! Enroll today for only $37.


First Steps to Get Started with Chat GPT

Ready to dive in? Getting started using Chat GPT is easier than you think.

Step 1: Sign up for Chat GPT!

If you haven't yet, sign up for Chat GPT here. This takes less than one minute, and it's free!

Wondering whether to go for the free or premium version of Chat GPT? Here's a breakdown:



The free version of Chat GPT is a robust model that will quickly generate responses and can aptly help you do the general things that Chat GPT is meant to do.

This is a great place to start when you’re dipping your toes into the world of AI and learning what it’s all about.



The paid version of Chat GPT is an even more robust and updated model that will generate better responses more quickly.

The premium version will also allow you access to new features first, such as image analysis, internet access and more.


Step 2: Start chatting!

Next, it's all about playing around with prompts. You can ask it pretty much anything, so I suggest starting with what you are working on right now. Ask it how it can help you with today’s tasks.

Remember: Think of it as teaching your new assistant about your brand's voice and what you need. The more you interact, the better it gets at nailing your style.

→ Need help training Chat GPT for your brand? Enroll in our Chat GPT Brand Persona Mini-Course!


Chat GPT Beginner’s Glossary

While we always try to keep it as jargon-free as possible, knowing these key words can help you steer clear of confusion and sail smoothly through conversations about Chat GPT.

  • This is your initial question or statement to Chat GPT. It's what you type into the chat window to get the conversation started.

  • This is the interface where you interact with Chat GPT. Each new chat window retains its own memory (i.e. it remembers what you tell it within each chat) — but chat windows can't communicate with other chat windows (i.e. it won’t remember what you’ve told it in other chats)

  • This is a setting within Chat GPT that allows you to set cross-session instructions for Chat GPT — that it will remember for every new chat you start! These are specific guidelines you can give to Chat GPT to tailor its responses to your needs that it will keep in mind throughout all your interactions.

  • This is the act of giving specific context or instructions to a particular chat window to guide its responses.

    You can “prime” or “train” different chat windows for specific tasks or writing styles.

  • These are specialized tools designed to enhance the capabilities of Chat GPT.

    They allow Chat GPT to access up-to-date information, browse the internet, perform computations, and even interact with third-party services.

    Plugins open up a world of possibilities, from browsing product catalogs to booking flights or ordering food.

  • This refers to the process where Chat GPT learns from a massive amount of text data. It’s like Chat GPT's "elementary school” — where the model learns the basics of language, context, and more from a massive dataset.

    This is a one-time, initial process done by the developers.

  • This is the process of customizing a pre-trained Chat GPT model for a specific task or audience.

    It's like "college courses" for the model, where it's tailored for specific tasks or industries. This is also done by the developers, not the end-users.

  • In the Chat GPT world, a token is a chunk of text that the model reads. It could be as small as a letter or as long as a word.

    Unless you’re a developer, you don’t necessarily need to worry about this — EXCEPT to realize that each time you type a prompt or response, there is a “character” limit.

    You’ll rarely run into an issue with this, unless you’re copy/pasting several pages of content into a single input.


Diving into AI doesn't mean losing the human touch in your business. It's about enhancing what you do with a tool that's flexible, always available, and surprisingly understanding.

So, take the leap, start exploring Chat GPT, and watch as your business grows – all while keeping it as authentic and down-to-earth as you are.





about the blogger

Hi! I'm Kinsey Soderberg.

enneagram 7 | projector | capricorn (libra rising)

I’m an expert at authentic branding and genuine marketing, self-proclaimed word nerd, and dog mom of 3.

I love helping down-to-earth solopreneurs leverage the power of AI authentically and strategically (without wasting your time or selling your soul 😘)

With my brands Feel Good Social and Authentic AI, we offer customizable templates, actionable courses, live workshops (and more) through the lens of building a business that feels good to you. Let’s connect!

Feel Good Social: Website | Podcast | Instagram

Authentic AI: Website | Podcast | Instagram


5 Easy Ways to Use ChatGPT in Your Business as a Solopreneur